Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Describe the most important events during the period, 1940 to present Essay

Describe the most important events during the period, 1940 to present - Essay ExampleWorld War II, which took place from 1939-1945, was the most widespread war in history.It come to the worlds most important nations, who had eventually divided into devil alliances the Allies and the Axis. The Allies consisted of countries such as get together States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union, patch the Axis mainly included Germany, Italy and Japan. It started off by Germany invading Poland, which lead to declaration of war on Germany by France, and Great Britain. Germany responded by invading Norway and Denmark, and wherefore advanced towards France. One of the crucial points in the war was when Germany launched a series if airstrikes against Britain, which came to be known as the Battle of Britain. However, Germany was unable to achieve its objective of gaining curb over Britain and was forced to retreat. The acts which took this war to the next level were those of Japan attacking Pe arl Harbor, and Germany invading the Soviet Union. Germany had launched a full assault against the Soviet Union, and had managed to ravish almost the half of the country. While Japans attack on Pearl Harbor, brought coupled States into the war, which previously had been following a policy of isolation. The entrance of the United States completely titled the war into the Allies favor. The Germans were defeated in the Soviet Union, and a nuclear attack on Japan on 6th lofty 1945, brought the war to an end and resulted in the victory of the allies (BBC History). World War II holds immense historical importance. Firstly, it showed that the League of Nations, which was international body required to hold in peace, had failed. This lead to the development of the United Nations, which is an international organization aiming to maintain world peace. Since then United Nations has played its part trying to stop further wars from victorious place, and promoting negotiation betwixt opposi ng countries. Furthermore, the guerilla World War stopped the spreading of dictatorships in many areas. Hitler, leader of Germany, was adamant to spread his ideology general and to destroy all democratic institutions. Thus, the war stopped him and his allies from becoming victorious. Moreover, this war showed the whole world, the massive damage that can be done with a nuclear attack, and such attacks should be prevented in future, at all costs. Cold War was another critical event, which took place between the two great powers United States and the Soviet Union. There was not any direct conflict between the two powers, and was more as a war of ideologies. Several clashes took place between the capitalist and communist forces in different areas of the world, which were backed by United States and the Soviet Union respectively. The origins of the Cold War can be traced back to the Second World War, when United States dropped the atomic bomb on Japan, sending an indirect signal to the Soviet Union, showing their strength and potential. The Soviet Union wanted to magnify its empire and the communist ideology, while U.S.A felt threatened by these expansionary aims of Stalin, the leader of the Soviet Union. The Cold War was a period of tension between the two super powers, and it reached its peak during the events of the Berlin Blockade, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Both the powers almost reached the verge of nuclear war and then pulled back. It ended with the

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